Gas tax shift makes sense for our crumbling roads

Gas tax shift makes sense for our crumbling roads

Last month, the Michigan Senate passed a package of bills that would invest about $1.2 billion into the state’s aging transportation network. Now with only six days remaining in the lame-duck session, it’s up to the Michigan House of Representatives to act on a crucial investment strategy for Michigan’s crumbling infrastructure. MLUI believes the Senate’s package is the right approach.

Double Up Food Bucks give needy a leg up

Double Up Food Bucks give needy a leg up

The statewide, nonprofit program helps financially struggling families eat healthy while supporting business for farmers. It doubles the money that people who receive SNAP Bridge Card assistance (food stamps) have to spend with local farmers at farmers markets. That means it’s helping federal dollars governed by the Farm Bill have much more of an impact on local farm economies than, say, the grocery section at Walmart.